BCNA Steering Committee meeting. Monday May 4, 2020

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BCNA Steering Committee meeting. Monday May 4, 2020
This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Tentative Agenda for May 4 BCNA Steering Committee:
6:45–discussion and vote on request to support variance for 1612 Newton street
6:55-Discussion of future BCNA remote forums and prior forum
7:05–Discussion of listserv transition project and other communication matters
7:15–Discussion of budget
7:20–zoning, parks, traffic committee updates
7:30–sector updates
Minutes HERE:
BCNA Meeting Schedules:
BCNA General Association Meeting:
2ndTuesday, every other month
BCNA Steering Committee Meeting:
1st Monday, each month
BCNA Zoning Committee Meeting:
3rd Monday each month
Meetings at 6:45pm
The High Road, 700 Dawson Road