Association, Community Engagement, Oak Wilt, Parks and Rec, PTMD, Seasonal News, Traffic, Safety & Parking, Zoning and Permits
Tuesday, June 11th 6:45pm
TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Admin. & Welcome Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room (Map below)
Due to security at Texas School for the Deaf, School staff have asked that we send a list of attendees prior to the meeting. This will also expedite access to the grounds thru the gate off Elizabeth Street.
Note: If you plan to attend please send a email to Thom Parker at

Regular Business
- Approval of April 9th, GA Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Communications and Community Engagement Updates
- Membership drives and upcoming events
- Oak Wilt Update
- Zoning Committee Update
- South Central Waterfront District Presentation
- Traffic, Safety & Parking Committee Update
Other Business
- BCNA Association Bylaws – Proposed Revisions (First Presentation)
Upcoming Events
- July Steering Committee Meeting – Mon. July 1st, Jesus Deaf Church, 6:45 pm
- Austin Symphony – July 4th Celebration (HEB Sponsor) 4 to 10 pm, Auditorium Shores
- Legally Blond – Zilker Summer Musical, July 12-14th, 8:15-10 pm, Zilker Theater
- August Online General Association Meeting – Tuesday August 13th