BCNA Steering Committee Meeting 07-06-2020

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BCNA Steering Committee Meeting 07-06-2020
This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom, starting at 6:45p.m.
6:45—Call to Order:
Administrative Business, approve prior minutes for June SC & GA meetings
6:50—Communications Update, including listserv roll-out, newsletter,
& Zoom account discussion
7:05— Thursday neighborhood walk discussion (how’s it going?)
7:10—Zoning/Code Update: Green Pastures Site Plan Extension
7:15—Park Comm. Update, Ingrid Weigand
7:20—Other committee & Sector updates. Vacancies; Brown-pending & Blue-vacant
(how to fill?)
7:25—August GA meeting planning, who wants to volunteer to lead?
Note: All meetings subject to change during current health regulations.
Meetings will be scheduled for virtual meetings currently.
BCNA Meeting Schedules:
BCNA General Association Meeting:
2ndTuesday, every other month
BCNA Steering Committee Meeting:
1st Monday, each month